The millennial knowledge of our ancestors with the peoples migration has entered the vast expanses of North America, and blended with the pristine purity of rivers, lakes and mountain herbs.

How to Get Rid of Headaches.

The Recipes of the Traditional Medicine for headaches of different origins.

Hot Water may quickly get rid of your headache.
Just wash your head with hot water.  Hold the head under hot running water approximately for 2-5 minutes.  Blood vessels dilate and your headache will pass.

A Cold Compresses may help if you have headache. A moisten  cloth in cold water  put on the forehead and temples. To enhance the effect,  add an apple cider vinegar in that water (1 tbsp add in 1 liter of water) or dissolve  a little bit salt in that water (1 tsp. add in 1 liter of water).

The Menthol Oil.
 If you have a headache it`s necessary to apply a menthol oil on the forehead,temples, behind the ears, and back of the head . Especially it helps to relieve headaches caused by cold.

The Lemon  peels:
If you have a headache it`s necessary to rub the lemon peels on the skin of the forehead and temples.

You should pour 1/8 tsp. of Cinnamon in a cup of hot water, sweeten a little bit. Keep it warm in a thermos flask and take 1-2 sips every 1⁄2 hour. Also, you can add a drop of tincture of lavender or peppermint oil in there. Especially it helps to relieve headaches caused by cold.

How to get rid of a headache by Using Gymnastics:
1) Tilt your head in the opposite direction (back and forth, left and right) 2-3 times
2) Using a simple heat pack will help relax your tight muscles. Apply gentle pressure while using your fingers to rub your neck in a circular motion.
3) Then, relax ligaments of the neck, and move the head in a circular pattern.
 We recommend performing this exercise repeatedly. If the headache did not pass repeat after a while.

The infusion and decoction of the thyme.
1 tbsp. spoon of leaves and flowers of thyme pour into 250 ml of boiling water, cover it and simmer for 5 min. Drink 200 ml of the cooled infusion 3 times a day before meals.

Headache will pass if you use elderberry recipe has been a folk remedy for centuries. 1 tbsp. spoon of elderberry flowers put in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink 1/4 part of the cooled infusion  3-4 times a day in 15 minutes before meals.

To cure a headache at home you need to drink a decoction of hypericum.
1 tbsp. of hypericum pour in a glass of boiling water and keep it for 30 minutes. Drink 1/4 part of it  3 times a day.