The millennial knowledge of our ancestors with the peoples migration has entered the vast expanses of North America, and blended with the pristine purity of rivers, lakes and mountain herbs.

How to Delay Premature Ejaculation by Folk Remedies

According to the WebMD website, Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration. It happens with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes. It may result in unsatisfactory sex for both partners. This can increase the anxiety that may add to the problem. It is one of the most common forms of male sexual dysfunction. It has probably affected every man at some point in his life.
Premature ejaculation can occur for many reasons:
For instance, it can occur because of:
- Hypothermia;
- Stress;
- Fatigue;
- Social depression;
- Problems in the business;
- Instability in the state;
- Irregular sexual life;
- Urinary tract infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, urogenital chlamydia, etc.),

It is not easy to cope with stress. First of all, learn to think of challenges as opportunities and stressors as temporary problems, not disasters. Practice solving problems and asking others for help and guidance rather than complaining and letting stress build. Make goals and keep track of your progress. Make time for relaxation. Be optimistic. Believe in yourself. Be sure to breathe. And let a little stress motivate you into positive action to reach your goals.
Do an autogenic training a few times a day.
Anti-Stress Treatment.

The Folk medicine recommends a few recipes for curing Premature Ejaculation
1. Dig or buy the root of the lovage plant, rinse it, and dry it out.
Infuse the root in about 40 per cent alcohol or vodka for 2 weeks;
The recommended dose: take 15 - 20 drops 2 times a day.

2. Also, you can use a decoction of the root of the lovage .
Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoons dried herbs. Simmer it for 10 minutes. Then infuse the decoction for 1.5 hours. Percolate.
The recommended dose: take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

3. Take pre-ground dry leaves of the hop and motherwort plants in a ratio of 1: 3. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoons dried herbs. Infuse it for 6 hours; Percolate.
The recommended dose: take 150 ml of the infusion 3 times a day after meals.

4. Take pre-ground dry leaves of the oregano plant and calendula flowers in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoons herbs. Infuse it for 6 hours; Percolate. The recommended dose: take 150ml of the infusion 3 times a day after meals.
The course of treatment for 4 - 6 weeks.

5. Make a decoction of the vinca plant :Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoons herbs and simmer it  for 10 minutes.
The recommended dose: take 10 droplets two times a day during 5 days.
Then take a break for 3 days, and repeat the course.
You should not exceed the dose, as  the vinca refers to poisonous plants.