The millennial knowledge of our ancestors with the peoples migration has entered the vast expanses of North America, and blended with the pristine purity of rivers, lakes and mountain herbs.

Helminths/Fight Unwanted Guests

If you find at least 2-3 of the points listed below in yourself or your child, it is worth doing a proper parasite cleanse and detox to get rid of parasites.  🆘

✔️ There is an increase in eosinophils in the blood

✔️There is a decrease in protein content in the blood and a change in protein composition. Increased immunoglobulins.⠀

✔️Anemia is observed (decreased hemoglobin in the blood)

✔️Itching in the anus⠀

✔️Grinding of teeth in sleep

✔️There is drooling during sleep or increased drooling in the morning

✔️Increased hunger⠀

✔️Allergic rashes on the skin, in the eyelid area, peeling, swelling

✔️Incomprehensible symptoms are disturbing: bloating, seething in the stomach, unsteady stool⠀

✔️Constipation. Parasites block the bile and intestinal tracts, causing constipation⠀

✔️ Lack of body weight with good appetite

✔️Cough. Very often, inflammation of the respiratory tract and cough indicate ascariasis

✔️Constant fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness⠀

✔️Increased nervous excitability. The waste of parasites is toxic. It's poisoning the body and leading to excessive nervousness, depression, and sleep disturbance.⠀

Prevention is the key PARASHIELD>>>